RAASA was established to discharge specific functions designated to it, by the South African Civil Aviation Authority. Following the first three years of designation, the SACAA renewed the agreement of designation, which not only brought South Africa in line with international practice, but solidified the role of RAASA in handling National specific issues relating Non-Type-Certificated Aircraft, its operation and airworthiness requirements.
This industry responded very well to the new structure, and has pledged support and co-operation in making this initiative a success.
A major part of the success of the organisation stems from the staff’s direct proximity to, and involvement in the aviation activities and its participants.
We extend our sincere thanks to all those who have supported RAASA through its formative years, and are looking forward to extending the service and responsibilities to the aviation community in cooperation and interaction with the SACAA and other regulating bodies.
We look forward to being of continued service!